
About me:

My name is Veronica Dias Alfieri.

I’m an Entertainment and Music Lawyer.

I started my path in the Music Industry with the late CM Murphy, the historic manager and business strategist of the Australian Band INXS.

I worked in all the areas of a management company and label, including physical & digital distribution, and Social Media.

Later, I worked in music publishing, royalty collection, synchronization and endorsements.

I’ve also been involved in Social Media before they were called that way.

But above all, I am a music fan and my mission is to help music creators to get what they deserve and it’s fair because without them there is only silence.

Manager de Luis Miguel
Luis Miguel La Serie
Luis Miguel Netflix
Abogada especialista en Derechos de autor
Derechos de autor
Licencias de música
Veronica Dias Alfieri es abogada especialista en Derecho de la Música y del Entretenimiento
Luis Miguel y Mariah Carey
Manager de Artistas
Representante de Luis Miguel
Cómo contactar a Luis Miguel
Manager de INXS
How to contact INXS
Cómo contactar a INXS
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